Limited Edition Wiring Harnesses

Limited Edition “PRIDE” Fender Stratocaster Solderless Wiring Harness Kit

Limited Edition “PRIDE” Fender Stratocaster Solderless Wiring Harness Kit

Limited Edition “PRIDE” Fender STratocaster Solderless Wiring Harness

A return customer - who is a member of the LGTBQ+ community - asked if we could make a special wiring harness to personalize their Fender USA Stratocaster by incorporating the distinct rainbow colours into the build. Without going into current geopolitics and the recent about-face with respect to DEI, it was our honour to follow through with this limited edition kit. Ya its a small thing, but its the small things that matter.

We have limited quantities of these solderless kits on hand should you wish to order one for your Strat.

$150 + S&H

Feature 2


Feature 3
