SG Wiring Harnesses

Drops right in to genuine Gibson guitars without any modifications. Fits many import guitars* including Epiphone, Ibanez, Prestige, Sparrow, Vintage, MRW, El Degas and others.

*Note: many import guitars will require that the metric holes for the Volume and Tone controls be enlarged to accommodate the 3/8" USA CTS pot shafts. We now offer kits made with CTS M8 metric pots so you don’t have to drill out the holes - and because they have a coarse spline knurl, you can also continue to use your stock 18-spline knobs!

The Standard CTS SG wiring harness is typically made with an angled Switchcraft 3-way toggle switch with a recessed nut while the Metric wiring harnesses are generally made with straight short Switchcraft 3-way toggle switches with a longer threaded shaft and flush-mount nut.

Standard SG CTS wiring harness made with 500K CTS pots potentiometers, .022uf Orange Drop tone caps capacitors, angled Switchcraft 3-way toggle switch and Switchcraft output jack

Standard CTS SG Wiring Harness

Standard CTS SG Wiring Harness

Standard CTS SG wiring harness made with CTS short-shaft 500K Volume and Tone pots, Orange Drop .022uf tone capacitors, angled Switchcraft 3-way toggle switch & output jack.

CTS short shaft pots available in 3/8” SAE for domestic guitars (i.e. Gibson), and M8 Metric which is ideal for import guitars - namely Epiphone.

Available in 50's Vintage (default) and Modern wiring configurations. Optional independent Volume wiring available on request.

$120 + S&H

Add $40 to upgrade CTS pots to genuine Gibson 500K short shaft pots.

Metric CTS SG Wiring Harness

SG Metric Wiring Harness

Metric CTS SG wiring harness made with M8 Metric CTS short-shaft 500K Volume and Tone pots, Orange Drop .022uf tone capacitors, straight short Switchcraft 3-way toggle switch & output jack.

Ideal for import guitars - namely Epiphone.

Available in 50's Vintage (default) and Modern wiring configurations. Optional independent Volume wiring available on request.

$120 + S&H

LEFTY CTS SG Wiring Harness

SG Lefty Wiring Harness

Left handed SG-style CTS wiring harness kit made with 4 X 500K CTS EP0086L Reverse Audio / Reverse Logarithmic (aka: left-handed) pots, a pair of .022uf Orange Drop tone capacitors, Switchcraft angled 3-way toggle switch (for Gibson) or short straight toggle switch (for Epiphone and other import models), and a Switchcraft long-thread output jack.

Note: Left handed kits are available via special order and built on-demand. Please Contact Us to place your order.

$130 + S&H